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The general health of the organism and well-being also pass through the health of the mouth. the correlations between the pathologies affecting the teeth and mouth and some problems affecting the other systems of the human body. For this reason in our shop you will find a wide range of specific toothpastes suitable for all your needs. div > """
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Copyright ©2024 - un brand di Talea Group S.p.a. Via Marco Polo 190 - 55049 Viareggio (LU) - P.IVA 02072180504, Iscritta CCIAA di Lucca REA LU-219335.
Farmacista Responsabile iscritto all’albo dei farmacisti della Provincia di Pisa n°1971. Laurea in Farmacia conseguita in Italia.
Codice deontologico reperibile sul sito FOFI - Autorità competente e di Vigilanza: USL Toscana Nord Ovest