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Mobility Aids√ †
Losing one's autonomy while traveling or even seeing it limited is a pain. Come and discover the vast assortment of mobility aids in our shop: crutches, canes, walkers, rollators and wheelchairs to start moving again both at home and outside. You will find only the best products at the most affordable prices. div> """
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Copyright ©2024 - un brand di Talea Group S.p.a. Via Marco Polo 190 - 55049 Viareggio (LU) - P.IVA 02072180504, Iscritta CCIAA di Lucca REA LU-219335.
Farmacista Responsabile iscritto all’albo dei farmacisti della Provincia di Pisa n°1971. Laurea in Farmacia conseguita in Italia.
Codice deontologico reperibile sul sito FOFI - Autorità competente e di Vigilanza: USL Toscana Nord Ovest